Summer camps have never provided a more important developmental experience than they do right now. Our children are increasingly immersed in a sea of screens and digital distractions. In contrast, the experience of summer camp fosters the growth of crucial interpersonal skills, cultivates mental and physical health, and helps campers build friendships and memories that last well beyond the summer.

Embracing the Value of Play

The necessity of play in a child’s life cannot be overstated. Play is the natural way children explore their surroundings, test boundaries, and learn valuable skills. Summer camp offers kids a structured yet flexible environment where they can engage in a variety of games and physical activities. These games and activities are fun, and they also promote creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork in a relatively low stress environment.

Studies have shown that play also boosts cognitive development and enhances academic abilities. Kids who are engaged in regular physical activity have better memory retention, concentration, and are generally more receptive to learning.

The Importance of Unplugging and Going Outdoors

It is becoming clear that many of today’s young people experience varying degrees of “screen addiction.” Many kids are glued to their devices for hours each day, which often leads to sedentary behavior, sleep problems, and anxiety. A significant advantage of summer camp is that it provides a much-needed break from this digital immersion. Most camps, by design, are technology-free zones. They encourage children to swap their devices for fishing rods, paintbrushes, or basketballs.

Being outdoors tends to improve moods, reduce stress, and enhance physical health. The experience of hiking in the woods, swimming in a lake, or simply observing a breathtaking sunset cannot be replicated on any screen.

Nurturing Authentic Interactions and Social Skills

We are inherently social creatures, and in-person interactions form the foundation for essential social skills. While the internet has created new ways of socializing, it cannot replace the value of face-to-face communication. Social media, despite its advantages, can often distort reality and fuel insecurities, especially among young people.

At summer camp, kids have a chance to make real friends and forge bonds that can last well beyond the summer. They learn to communicate, cooperate, negotiate, and empathize with their peers. They also learn to navigate conflicts, understand different perspectives, and appreciate diversity. Camp counselors serve as role models, offering guidance and fostering an inclusive and respectful environment.

Promoting Physical and Mental Health

Physical health benefits from summer camp are abundant. From hiking to swimming, running, and playing various sports, children get plenty of exercise. These activities create an alternative experience to our increasingly sedentary lives and promote an appreciation for exercise and healthy habits.

Perhaps even more importantly, summer camp can be a sanctuary for mental health. Away from academic pressures, social media comparisons, and screen-induced fatigue, children can just be kids. Camp helps foster resilience, independence, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence. They learn to embrace challenges, navigate new situations, and discover their strengths and talents in a supportive environment.


Camp is not just another summer activity—it can be a transformative experience for children. And here’s a fun secret: it can be all of these things for the staff as well.